Let's talk about your Bonney Lake sprinkler system. We've been installing and repairing irrigation systems in Bonney Lake almost as long as we've been in Tacoma. When we first started, one-size-fits-all systems were all the rage, but we always thought that individualized sprinkler solutions were a better bet. As prices came down on components we've been able to make custom sprinkler system designs come to life for hundreds of customers in the area. You could be next! We've installed more systems in the Bonney Lake WA area than the closest competitors combined.
You may have noticed that some of the plumbers in our area also claim to be sprinkler experts. Don't be fooled. Sprinkler systems are highly technical pieces of machinery. While a plumber may be able to switch out the fixtures, he probably doesn't know the watering needs of your landscape, the average rainfall, or why it is important to have rain sensors installed and checked. Our Bonney Lake WA sprinkler repair team knows all of that and more. We can tell you if you've got plants that are mismatched for their watering needs, what companion plants are the best bet for what you've currently got, and how to get your turfgrass to sparkle day and night (here's a hint, it's less water).
For some reason people in the Tacoma area tend to think that irrigation systems simply run on their own without any need for maintenance. This is far from the truth. Our Bonney Lake WA pros suggest you have your system checked every three months – once at the beginning of the season, once mid season and once for a winterization and blow out service. Blow out service is extremely important in the Bonney Lake area because water left in backflow devices and distribution lines can freeze and crack the plastic resulting in big problems in spring. Our Bonney Lake team will inspect every element on each inspection to make sure you have no small issues that could worsen between maintenance stops. After the inspection is completed you'll be given a full report.
When was the last time that you had your sprinkler system audited? If it's been more than a couple years, it's time. Every year your turf gets a little higher and your sprinkler system stays the same height. Your bushes and trees grow, your perennials expand and your sprinkler system stays the same. Our Bonney Lake sprinkler repair experts will check your current system set-up and tweak it. Your plants and lawn will use less water and become stronger with deeper roots. The results are almost always a lower water bill and a better looking yard. Since we know everything about the area from the annual rainfall levels to ground soil composition we can even help you pick out the best native plantings to use to reduce your need for frequent watering. Call our Bonney Lake WA sprinkler repair team to schedule your audit today.